
Half Day
Tour Type
City Tour
Group Size
Tour Guide

Photography Tour Half Day

Embark on a half-day photography tour through the enchanting city of Marrakech. From the iconic Koutoubia Mosque to the bustling Souk, historical sites, and charming Medina streets, this tour offers a wealth of photographic opportunities. Capture the intricate architecture, vibrant colors, unique details, and local culture, creating a visual narrative of your journey.


  1. Koutoubia Mosque (1 hour): Start your photography tour at the magnificent Koutoubia Mosque, the largest mosque in Marrakech. Capture the impressive architecture, intricate details, and the beauty of the minaret. Experiment with different angles and perspectives to highlight the grandeur of the mosque. Pay attention to the interplay of light and shadows during different times of the day.
  2. Souk (1-2 hours): Immerse yourself in the vibrant and bustling Souk, a traditional market that awakens the senses. Photograph the narrow alleyways, stalls, and colorful displays of spices, textiles, ceramics, and more. Capture the lively atmosphere, interactions between locals and visitors, and the vibrant energy of the market. Seek out unique architectural features and hidden courtyards for distinctive shots.
  3. Historical Sites (1-2 hours): Visit historical sites in the Medina, such as the Bahia Palace or the Saadian Tombs. Photograph the stunning architecture, intricate carvings, and beautiful gardens of the palace. Capture the serenity and peacefulness of the Saadian Tombs, known for their intricate decorations and historic significance. Experiment with composition and framing to capture the essence of these historical sites.
  4. Medina Streets (1 hour): Take a leisurely stroll through the narrow streets of the Medina and immerse yourself in the daily life of Marrakech. Photograph the vibrant colors of the buildings, the unique doors and windows, and the traditional Moroccan architecture. Pay attention to the details, such as ornate door knockers, intricate tile work, and hidden corners. Engage with the locals, if appropriate, and capture candid portraits or street scenes that reflect the local culture.


  • Tour Guide
  • Bottle of Water
  • Historical Fees
  • Food and Drinks